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Development Officer Neal Hickey on his way to BSL glory.

We are delighted to announce that Neal has been awarded his BSL 101 certification.

Level Playing Field want to make sure that we can engage with as many of our supporters as possible. By having staff who are trained in British Sign Language (BSL) we will be able to communicate with disabled supporters on a much closer basis.

The ten-week course took place in Iceni’s music shop in Dulwich in South London. BSL 101 provides the basics for conversational phrases and communicating with people on how to provide directions and provide information on the weather.

The next steps for Neal is BSL 102. This class takes place in the new year and Neal is already looking forward to it.

He said “I can’t wait to get going again in the new year. I have already been able to have a few conversations with some BSL users and it’s been brilliant. By having some basic phrases it makes me able to engage with people from the deaf community much easier.”

“Inclusion is a key principle of Level Playing Field’s and aligns with my own personal values. So, when I had the opportunity to do the course I took it with both hands.”

If you want any more information on what we do at Level Playing Field click here to go to our ‘about us’ page or give us a call on 01923 545370.